Friday, June 12, 2009

Relax and Write!

Ramley rambling rambles...

I miss being able to relax. Went camping recently and despite long stretches of sitting and doing nothing more than watching flames crinkle, blacken and finally turn to dust all the interesting things we threw into the fire, I am still finding myself tense and cranky.

I wrote to some family the 'old school' way today. I was writing my grandma a letter because she can gets lonely and wrote a couple other short notes too. Despite email and texting and IM's galore, there is something to be said for a hand-written message, signed and sealed with love.

Wrote a little poem:

Think of rainbows after rain!
Think of flowers in full bloom!
Think of all the world around,
And know...
I think of you!

Do you think Hallmark would like it? lol!


  1. Amen to that! Do you want to help me bring letter writing back in styl? It's not going so well now, but I've just begun. Then we can bring musicales back and maybe fulfill our dream of living in a musical.
    Thanks for coming over last night to cheer me up. It really helped.

  2. I'm helping to! Well kind of by default. I have to send D written letters since he couldn't get email or text in Marine Boot Camp and probably won't for the first while in his MOS schooling... So writing it is :D


Keep it clean and respectful!