Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Success today?

It is about 4:30 on a Wed. I have started the process for disability. I have started a 2018 tax return online. I have made it through all my emails and even listened to a friends podcast.

I have not listened to/read scriptures today. It is harder to keep track of where I am with the CD player. When I listened in my car, it remembered for me. Having read them to me can be monotonous and I fade in/out. I could do something for group. I have to do the 'tell my story' thing again. Boo. Grr argh.

Sunday, February 3, 2019


I don't know when this is from. Just found it in my drafts folder...

This is not what I want my life to be. How am I the bad guy? Excuse me foe messing up your video game time. If we had been doing ANYTHING else, you would have cancelled.